On Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 8:52 AM, Ankur Sinha <sanjay.ankur@gmail.com> wrote:
Are there any
newcomers here that would like to introduce themselves and get started?


This is Sudhir Khanger. I am in between careers trying to become an Android developer. I live in central India. Although I wish to move to some more tech oriented place in India if I had an opportunity.

Like many others I started using Ubuntu as a hobby many years ago. Due to ASPM bug I had to switch to Arch Linux which if I had time I would have to say would be the best Linux distribution in form of OS offerings and very focused community. Earlier this year due to lack of time I wanted to switch from something that is less time consuming yet latest and focused on cutting-edge. I should also note that I started distro hopping when Gnome and Ubuntu started discovering HIG and how we use computers. I finally settled down with KDE. I have to say Fedora KDE is the best any distribution could offer. I am personally a fan of KDE SIG. It is sad that it doesn't have a place in the WorkStation grandeur.

I would like to contribute to Fedora is some small sense. I like writing so I am open to contributing to wiki although docs sounds so official and makes me afraid of making mistake. I could also learn of use COPR and package some software that aren't and can't be main repositories.

Besides Linux, I like to write, ponder over technology, life and politics, and spend time with family, you don't seem to have enough of that these days.

Sudhir Khanger.