Is there anything I can help with? (since not a sysadmin)
Just curious and wondering if I could do my part :)
On May 24 2022, at 5:56 pm, Kevin Fenzi <> wrote:
Looking at our current hosts (ansible_distribution_major_version):

275 35
120 8
90 7
22 34
11 36
6 33
2 9
2 31
1 37
1 32
1 27

(The reason so many are f35 is because builders are f35)


- 27 -> This is notifs-backend01. We are still trying to get the python3
FMN deployed and working in stg so we can repave this and move it to a
supported version.

- 31 -> These are resultsdb01 and resultsdb01.stg. We already have the
openshift replacement in staging working, we just need to cut over
prod. We should schedule a time/date to do that.

- 32 -> This is odcs-backend-releng01. I am just going to reinstall it
and hopefully odcs is happy on f36. :) I'll mail odcs folks to

- 33 -> These are osbs-aarch64 prod and stg. I'm open to suggestion on
what to do here. I'd personally say we should leave them and hasten
our move to image builder and hopefully by then they have container
building and aarch64? Other ideas welcome.

- 34 -> These are still supported at least, but we need to move them
soon. I can do most of these, will be contacting people about them.

Finally after that we should try and start moving the 8's and 7's to
9's. ;)

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