Dne 13. 02. 23 v 10:42 Benson Muite napsal(a):
And no need to even rebuild it.
Should this also be done for MIT license when there is no change going
to SPDX?


But especially with the MIT I strongly suggest to check the actuall license text. I find the


as great tool for this.

According my personal experience about 50-80 % of Callaway MIT string are translated to SPDX MIT string.

But rest of the cases the MIT is something different in SPDX. The known option so far are:

'mpich2', 'libtiff', 'SMLNJ', 'SGI-B-2.0', 'NTP', 'MIT', 'MIT-open-group', 'MIT-feh', 'MIT-e
nna', 'MIT-Modern-Variant', 'MIT-CMU', 'ICU', 'HPND', 'BSL-1.0', 'Adobe-Glyph'
