Hey Guys,

My name is Desmond van der Winden, owner of Serverion the Netherlands.

I have set up a public mirror for Fedora and EPEL!


Speed: 1000 Mbit/sec
Space: 500 TB
Updates: every 6 hours
URL: https://www.serverion.com
Company: Serverion

Mirror info: https://www.serverion.com/support/mirror-services

Epel (full mirror)
Host: https://mirror.serverion.com/epel
Protocols: http / https / rsync / ftp

Fedora (full mirror)
Host: https://mirror.serverion.com/fedora
Protocols: http / https / rsync / ftp

I subscribed to the list and reported the new mirror ;)


Met vriendelijke groet,

Desmond van der Winden


Krammer 8 - 3232 HC Brielle - the Netherlands

T  +31 (0)85 - 105 4123
G  +31 (0)6 - 55 559 559
E  desmond@serverion.com
W https://www.serverion.com