This is 3.1.3 on Rocky 8. Yes as I watched the strace output, it'd start out checking files pretty quick. When I checked it this morning it was checking maybe 1 file a second.

I'll try compiling the latest version of rsync after I get this initial sync done, and then running the quick sync script against my already-downloaded files with the new version of rsync. See if it makes a difference.

On Fri, May 19, 2023 at 11:35 AM Kevin Fenzi <> wrote:

On Fri, May 19, 2023 at 03:56:36PM +0200, Rafal Maszkowski wrote:
> Dnia Fri, May 19, 2023 at 08:49:56AM -0500, Russell Jones napisał(a):
> > OK, yeah, it's already actually grabbing content now. Took all of 10
> > seconds.
> > Something's up with that quick sync script. I'll stick to normal rsync.
> > On Fri, May 19, 2023 at 8:48 AM Russell Jones <> wrote:
> > > I considered trying just a bare rsync, but that's where it's stuck at is
> > > the rsync process.
> > > I'll try just rsync with the flags I use for mirroring EPEL (I don't use
> > > the quick sync script for that repo), see if it makes a difference.
> Maybe it was problem with the rsync? Once I managed to configure the
> script it works for me quite well. It saves a lot of resouces and time.
> It fails when partition is filled, and in that case I recover by a plain
> rsync --delete ….

It really does save a lot of useless i/o on the master mirrors. ;)

That said, I ran into what sounds like the exact same issue here
recently. I wasn't fully able to pin it down, but I think it might be a
strange rsync bug. If the list of files to transfer is really large,
things go slower and slower over time and it never gets to transfering.

What version of rsync are you using there?
On the machine where I was seeing it, it was rhel9 with rsync-3.2.3-18.el9.x86_64
Updating it to the rsync version from fedora and it started working
normally again, but I also did a full rsync, make sure time was correct,
and a bunch of other things.

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