Hi Bill,
Can you try this patch from same bug https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2032867"

Regards, Ashok

On Wed, Mar 30, 2022 at 5:32 AM Bill Conn <bill.conn@usd.edu> wrote:
Hey Spike,

We have old images of our affected HPC nodes and I tried a couple different older images on the nodes and then updating things other than sssd and I was running into inconsistency issues where it would sometimes return results from other domains in the forest and sometimes not.   Clearing the cache seemed to remove the ability to look those users up and I wasn't sure if it was related to the head node or some other interaction issue.  In the interests of moving forward on the problem I was having I sidestepped it by creating duplicate accounts for those users in our AD Domain and having them use those credentials.  It might create some potential headaches in the future if we want to 'merge' their current temp account with their real account at a different campus, but that will have to be after the cent7 sssd packages get fixed.  And now, at least they can get on and use the resources.

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