On Apr 28, 2022, at 07:05, Justin Moore <justin.nonwork@gmail.com> wrote:

On Wed, Apr 27, 2022 at 5:35 PM Jonathan Billings <billings@negate.org> wrote:

Just as much as frustrating as people who say “systemd is evil” and because it has bugs it should be tossed out entirely.

That attempted equivalence doesn't acknowledge the power imbalance in the situation. The "systemd can't possibly be broken in THAT way" crowd are part of the group which have final say over Linux distributions at large and how they do (or don't) work.

If the "systemd is evil" crowd were removing systemd from Fedora/Ubuntu/etc and repeatedly breaking working systems and dismissing user feedback -- even if they had good intentions and could point to bugs they were fixing -- I think this equivalence would carry weight.

I only waded into this argument because someone said systemd isn’t any use on a workstation, which is just untrue. I’m not part of any group that incorporates it into Fedora, but I have a lot of experience in enterprise workstations where systemd has really improved my ability to manage systems. 

I genuinely would prefer showing all the neat things you can do but I usually end up defending a decision I didn’t make on a platform I have no control over. 

I wasn’t trying to be dismissive, I just didn’t realize we were debugging someone’s genuine problem.

And, not to be too flip, I think that's part of the problem.

I agree. I will strive to avoid discussing systemd in the future. 

Jonathan Billings