[389-announce] Announcing 389 Directory Server version Stable

Rich Megginson rmeggins at redhat.com
Thu Mar 29 15:30:18 UTC 2012

The 389 Project team is pleased to announce the release of 
389-ds-base-  This release contains a fix for a bug that causes 
the directory server to hang when using compare operations with virtual 
attributes. No new features were added after alpha 8, just many bug 
fixes.  There are also 389-adminutil, 389-admin, and 389-dsgw packages.

NEW: EL6 support

Beginning with RHEL 6.2, the 389-ds-base package is included in the base 
OS.  Therefore, the 389-ds-base package can no longer be provided via 
EPEL, due to RHEL/EPEL packaging restrictions.

However, the 389 Project will still make the full 389-ds-base package 
available via http://repos.fedorapeople.org/repos/rmeggins/389-ds-base. 
  See http://directory.fedoraproject.org/wiki/Download for more information.

NEW: Issue Tracking System

We have moved our ticket tracking system from the Red Hat Bugzilla 
https://bugzilla.redhat.com/enter_bug.cgi?product=389 to our Fedora 
Hosted Trac https://fedorahosted.org/389. All of the old 389 bugs have 
been copied to Trac. All new bugs, feature requests, and tasks should be 
entered in Trac

This link shows all of the issues fixed in the 1.2.10 branch - 
In addition to the tickets for Milestone there were a couple of 
issues found by valgrind that have been fixed.

NEW: Plugin Authors

WARNING: Plugins should be made transaction aware so that they can be 
called from within a backend pre/post transaction plugin. Otherwise,
attempting to perform an internal operation will cause a deadlock. See 


  yum install --enablerepo=updates-testing 389-ds
  # or for EPEL
  yum install --enablerepo=epel-testing 
[--enablerepo=epel-testing-389-ds-base] 389-ds


  yum upgrade --enablerepo=updates-testing 389-ds-base 
idm-console-framework 389-admin 389-ds-console 389-admin-console 
389-dsgw 389-adminutil
  # or for EPEL
  yum upgrade --enablerepo=epel-testing 
[--enablerepo=epel-testing-389-ds-base] 389-ds-base 
idm-console-framework 389-admin 389-ds-console 389-admin-console 
389-dsgw 389-adminutil
  setup-ds-admin.pl -u

How to Give Feedback

The best way to provide feedback is via the Fedora Update system.

* Go to https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates
* In the Search box in the upper right hand corner, type in the name of 
the package
* In the list, find the version and release you are using (if you're not 
sure, use rpm -qi <package name> on your system) and click on the release
* On the page for the update, scroll down to "Add a comment" and provide 
your input

Or just send us an email to 389-users at lists.fedoraproject.org

Reporting Issues


More Information
* Release Notes - http://port389.org/wiki/Release_Notes
* Install_Guide - http://port389.org/wiki/Install_Guide
* Download - http://port389.org/wiki/Download

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