[389-announce] Announcing 389 Directory Server version Testing

Rich Megginson rmeggins at redhat.com
Wed Sep 5 17:39:59 UTC 2012

The 389 Project team is pleased to announce the release of 
389-ds-base- for Testing.  This release fixes a bug found 
during upgrade with the POSIX Windows Sync plugin.

The new packages and versions are:


NOTE: 1.2.11 will not be available for Fedora 16 or earlier, nor for EL6 
or earlier - 1.2.11 will only be available for Fedora 17 and later. We 
are trying to stabilize current, stable releases - upgrades to 1.2.11 
will disrupt stability.


  yum install 389-ds --enablerepo=updates-testing
  # or for EPEL
  yum install 389-ds --enablerepo=epel-testing


  yum upgrade 389-ds-base --enablerepo=updates-testing
  # or for EPEL
  yum upgrade 389-ds-base --enablerepo=epel-testing
  setup-ds-admin.pl -u

How to Give Feedback

The best way to provide feedback is via the Fedora Update system.

     Go to https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates
     In the Search box in the upper right hand corner, type in the name 
of the package
     In the list, find the version and release you are using (if you're 
not sure, use rpm -qi <package name> on your system) and click on the 
     On the page for the update, scroll down to "Add a comment" and 
provide your input

Or just send us an email to 389-users at lists.fedoraproject.org

Reporting Bugs

If you find a bug, or would like to see a new feature, use the 389 Trac 
- https://fedorahosted.org/389

More Information
* Release Notes - http://port389.org/wiki/Release_Notes
* Install_Guide - http://port389.org/wiki/Install_Guide
* Download - http://port389.org/wiki/Download

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