[389-announce] Announcing 389 Directory Server version Testing

Noriko Hosoi nhosoi at redhat.com
Fri Feb 15 17:20:45 UTC 2013

The 389 Project team is pleased to announce the release of 389-ds-base-  This release has fixes for bugs found in 1.3.0 testing and bugs from earlier releases.

Fixed bugs for
Ticket 584 - Existence of an entry is not checked when its password is to be deleted
Ticket 562 - Crash when deleting suffix

  yum install --enablerepo=updates-testing 389-ds

  yum upgrade --enablerepo=updates-testing 389-ds-base idm-console-framework 389-admin 389-ds-console 389-admin-console 389-dsgw 389-adminutil
  setup-ds-admin.pl -u
How to Give Feedback

The best way to provide feedback is via the Fedora Update system.

* Go to https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates
* In the Search box in the upper right hand corner, type in the name of the package
* In the list, find the version and release you are using (if you're not sure, use rpm -qi <package name> on your system) and click on the release
* On the page for the update, scroll down to "Add a comment" and provide your input

Or just send us an email to 389-users at lists.fedoraproject.org

Reporting Bugs

If you find a bug, or would like to see a new feature, you can enter it 
here - https://fedorahosted.org/389

More Information
* Release Notes - http://port389.org/wiki/Release_Notes
* Install_Guide - http://port389.org/wiki/Install_Guide
* Download - http://port389.org/wiki/Download

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