[389-announce] Announcing 389 Admin Server version 1.1.42

Noriko Hosoi nhosoi at redhat.com
Wed Jun 17 20:53:18 UTC 2015

    389 Admin Server 1.1.42

The 389 Directory Server team is proud to announce 389-admin version 
1.1.42 and 389-adminutil version 1.1.22.

Fedora packages are available from the EPEL7, Fedora 21, Fedora 22 and 
Rawhide repositories.

The new packages and versions are:

  * 389-admin-1.1.42-1
  * 389-adminutil-1.1.22-1

Source tarballs are available for download at Download Admin Source 
<http://www.port389.org/binaries/389-admin-1.1.42.tar.bz2> and Download 
Adminutil Source 

      Highlights in 389-admin-1.1.42 and 389-adminutil-1.1.22

  * Several bugs are fixed.

      Installation and Upgrade

See Download <http://www.port389.org/docs/389ds/download.html> for 
information about setting up your yum repositories.

To install, use *yum install 389-ds* yum install 389-ds After install 
completes, run *setup-ds-admin.pl* to set up your directory 
server. setup-ds-admin.pl

To upgrade, use *yum upgrade* yum upgrade After upgrade completes, run 
*setup-ds-admin.pl -u* to update your directory server/admin 
server/console information. setup-ds-admin.pl -u

See Install_Guide 
<http://www.port389.org/docs/389ds/legacy/install-guide.html> for more 
information about the initial installation, setup, and upgrade

See Source <http://www.port389.org/docs/389ds/development/source.html> 
for information about source tarballs and SCM (git) access.


We are very interested in your feedback!

Please provide feedback and comments to the 389-users mailing list: 
https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/389-users and 
following pages:

  * https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/389-admin-1.1.42-1.el7
  * https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/389-admin-1.1.42-1.fc21
  * https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/389-admin-1.1.42-1.fc22
  * https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/389-adminutil-1.1.22-1.el7
  * https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/389-adminutil-1.1.22-1.fc20
  * https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/389-adminutil-1.1.22-1.fc21

If you find a bug, or would like to see a new feature, file it in our 
Trac instance: https://fedorahosted.org/389

      Detailed Changelog since 389-admin-1.1.38

  * Ticket 47548 - register-ds-admin - silent file incorrectly processed
  * Ticket 47493 - Configuration Tab does not work with FIPS mode enabled
  * Ticket 48186 - register-ds-admin.pl script prints clear text
    password in the terminal
  * Ticket 47548 - register-ds-admin.pl fails to set local bind DN
    and password
  * Ticket 47467 - Improve Add CRL/CKL dialog and errors
  * Ticket 48171 - remove-ds-admin.pl removes files in the rpm
  * Ticket 48153 - [adminserver] support NSS 3.18

      Detailed Changelog since 389-adminutil-1.1.21

  * Ticket 48152 - support NSS 3.18

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