[389-announce] New project: Nunc Stans

Rich Megginson rmeggins at redhat.com
Thu May 14 00:00:10 UTC 2015

The 389 team has started a new project called Nunc Stans.  This is the 
new event framework to replace our current poll() based framework.


The Nunc Stans project is hosted here: http://fedorahosted.org/nunc-stans

389 master branch has the ability to build with nunc-stans support:

   $ configure --enable-nunc-stans --with-nunc-stans=/path/to/nunc-stans 

nunc-stans support is not enabled by default, yet.

There is a mail list: 

To get started:

$ git clone https://git.fedorahosted.org/git/nunc-stans.git

Then follow 

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