[389-commits] dirsrvtests/tickets

thierry bordaz tbordaz at fedoraproject.org
Tue Jun 16 11:22:55 UTC 2015

 dirsrvtests/tickets/ticket47833_test.py |  266 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 266 insertions(+)

New commits:
commit 065b511f21219212a6b4ce5f730414db73f6fda1
Author: Thierry Bordaz <tbordaz at redhat.com>
Date:   Tue Jun 16 13:13:56 2015 +0200

    Ticket 47833: TEST CASE only (modrdn fails if renamed entry member of a group and is out of memberof scope)
    Bug Description:
    	When an entry is not in the scope of memberof plugin, but the group
    	it belongs to is in the scope; then during MODRDN of the entry the postop plugin fails.
    Fix Description:
    	memberof_postop_modrdn fails because it tries to remove 'memberof' that does not
    	This bug was fixed by a patch of https://fedorahosted.org/389/ticket/47526
    Reviewed by: Noriko accepted that I push only the testcase (without review)
    because neither 47526/48012 have test case
    Platforms tested: F17
    Flag Day: no
    Doc impact: no

diff --git a/dirsrvtests/tickets/ticket47833_test.py b/dirsrvtests/tickets/ticket47833_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99e5eae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dirsrvtests/tickets/ticket47833_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+import os
+import sys
+import time
+import ldap
+import logging
+import pytest
+from lib389 import DirSrv, Entry, tools, tasks
+from lib389.tools import DirSrvTools
+from lib389._constants import *
+from lib389.properties import *
+from lib389.tasks import *
+from lib389.utils import *
+SCOPE_IN_CN  = 'in'
+SCOPE_OUT_CN = 'out'
+SCOPE_IN_DN  = 'cn=%s,%s' % (SCOPE_IN_CN, SUFFIX)
+PROVISIONING_CN = "provisioning"
+ACTIVE_CN = "accounts"
+STAGE_CN  = "staged users"
+DELETE_CN = "deleted users"
+ACTIVE_DN = "cn=%s,%s" % (ACTIVE_CN, SCOPE_IN_DN)
+STAGE_USER_CN = "stage guy"
+ACTIVE_USER_CN = "active guy"
+OUT_USER_CN = "out guy"
+STAGE_GROUP_CN = "stage group"
+ACTIVE_GROUP_CN = "active group"
+OUT_GROUP_CN = "out group"
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+installation1_prefix = None
+class TopologyStandalone(object):
+    def __init__(self, standalone):
+        standalone.open()
+        self.standalone = standalone
+ at pytest.fixture(scope="module")
+def topology(request):
+    global installation1_prefix
+    if installation1_prefix:
+        args_instance[SER_DEPLOYED_DIR] = installation1_prefix
+    # Creating standalone instance ...
+    standalone = DirSrv(verbose=False)
+    if installation1_prefix:
+        args_instance[SER_DEPLOYED_DIR] = installation1_prefix
+    args_instance[SER_HOST] = HOST_STANDALONE
+    args_instance[SER_PORT] = PORT_STANDALONE
+    args_standalone = args_instance.copy()
+    standalone.allocate(args_standalone)
+    instance_standalone = standalone.exists()
+    if instance_standalone:
+        standalone.delete()
+    standalone.create()
+    standalone.open()
+    # Clear out the tmp dir
+    standalone.clearTmpDir(__file__)
+    return TopologyStandalone(standalone)
+def _header(topology, label):
+    topology.standalone.log.info("\n\n###############################################")
+    topology.standalone.log.info("#######")
+    topology.standalone.log.info("####### %s" % label)
+    topology.standalone.log.info("#######")
+    topology.standalone.log.info("###############################################")
+def _add_user(topology, type='active'):
+    if type == 'active':
+        topology.standalone.add_s(Entry((ACTIVE_USER_DN, {
+                                                'objectclass': "top person inetuser".split(),
+                                                'sn': ACTIVE_USER_CN,
+                                                'cn': ACTIVE_USER_CN})))
+    elif type == 'stage':
+        topology.standalone.add_s(Entry((STAGE_USER_DN, {
+                                                'objectclass': "top person inetuser".split(),
+                                                'sn': STAGE_USER_CN,
+                                                'cn': STAGE_USER_CN})))
+    else:
+        topology.standalone.add_s(Entry((OUT_USER_DN, {
+                                        'objectclass': "top person inetuser".split(),
+                                        'sn': OUT_USER_CN,
+                                        'cn': OUT_USER_CN})))
+def _find_memberof(topology, user_dn=None, group_dn=None, find_result=True):
+    assert(topology)
+    assert(user_dn)
+    assert(group_dn)
+    ent = topology.standalone.getEntry(user_dn, ldap.SCOPE_BASE, "(objectclass=*)", ['memberof'])
+    found = False
+    if ent.hasAttr('memberof'):
+        for val in ent.getValues('memberof'):
+            topology.standalone.log.info("!!!!!!! %s: memberof->%s" % (user_dn, val))
+            if val == group_dn:
+                found = True
+                break
+    if find_result:
+        assert(found) 
+    else:
+        assert(not found)
+def _find_member(topology, user_dn=None, group_dn=None, find_result=True):
+    assert(topology)
+    assert(user_dn)
+    assert(group_dn)
+    ent = topology.standalone.getEntry(group_dn, ldap.SCOPE_BASE, "(objectclass=*)", ['member'])
+    found = False
+    if ent.hasAttr('member'):
+        for val in ent.getValues('member'):
+            topology.standalone.log.info("!!!!!!! %s: member ->%s" % (group_dn, val))
+            if val == user_dn:
+                found = True
+                break
+    if find_result:
+        assert(found) 
+    else:
+        assert(not found)
+def _modrdn_entry(topology=None, entry_dn=None, new_rdn=None, del_old=0, new_superior=None):
+    assert topology != None
+    assert entry_dn != None
+    assert new_rdn != None
+    topology.standalone.log.info("\n\n######################### MODRDN %s ######################\n" % new_rdn)
+    if new_superior:
+        topology.standalone.rename_s(entry_dn, new_rdn, newsuperior=new_superior, delold=del_old)
+    else:
+        topology.standalone.rename_s(entry_dn, new_rdn, delold=del_old)
+def _check_memberof(topology=None, action=None, user_dn=None, group_dn=None, find_result=None):
+    assert(topology)
+    assert(user_dn)
+    assert(group_dn)
+    if action == ldap.MOD_ADD:
+        txt = 'add'
+    elif action == ldap.MOD_DELETE:
+        txt = 'delete'
+    else:
+        txt = 'replace'
+    topology.standalone.log.info('\n%s entry %s' % (txt, user_dn))
+    topology.standalone.log.info('to group %s' % group_dn)
+    topology.standalone.modify_s(group_dn, [(action, 'member', user_dn)])
+    time.sleep(1)
+    _find_memberof(topology, user_dn=user_dn, group_dn=group_dn, find_result=find_result)
+def test_ticket47829_init(topology):
+    topology.standalone.add_s(Entry((SCOPE_IN_DN, {
+                                                        'objectclass': "top nscontainer".split(),
+                                                        'cn': SCOPE_IN_DN})))
+    topology.standalone.add_s(Entry((SCOPE_OUT_DN, {
+                                                        'objectclass': "top nscontainer".split(),
+                                                        'cn': SCOPE_OUT_DN})))
+    topology.standalone.add_s(Entry((PROVISIONING_DN, {
+                                                        'objectclass': "top nscontainer".split(),
+                                                        'cn': PROVISIONING_CN})))
+    topology.standalone.add_s(Entry((ACTIVE_DN, {
+                                                        'objectclass': "top nscontainer".split(),
+                                                        'cn': ACTIVE_CN})))
+    topology.standalone.add_s(Entry((STAGE_DN, {
+                                                        'objectclass': "top nscontainer".split(),
+                                                        'cn': STAGE_DN})))
+    topology.standalone.add_s(Entry((DELETE_DN, {
+                                                        'objectclass': "top nscontainer".split(),
+                                                        'cn': DELETE_CN})))
+    # add groups
+    topology.standalone.add_s(Entry((ACTIVE_GROUP_DN, {
+                                                'objectclass': "top groupOfNames".split(),
+                                                'cn': ACTIVE_GROUP_CN})))
+    topology.standalone.add_s(Entry((STAGE_GROUP_DN, {
+                                                'objectclass': "top groupOfNames".split(),
+                                                'cn': STAGE_GROUP_CN})))
+    topology.standalone.add_s(Entry((OUT_GROUP_DN, {
+                                                'objectclass': "top groupOfNames".split(),
+                                                'cn': OUT_GROUP_CN})))
+    # add users
+    _add_user(topology, 'active')
+    _add_user(topology, 'stage')
+    _add_user(topology, 'out')
+    # enable memberof of with scope account
+    topology.standalone.plugins.enable(name=PLUGIN_MEMBER_OF)
+    dn = "cn=%s,%s" % (PLUGIN_MEMBER_OF, DN_PLUGIN)
+    topology.standalone.modify_s(dn, [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'memberOfEntryScope', ACTIVE_DN)])
+    topology.standalone.restart(timeout=10)
+def test_ticket47829_mod_stage_user_modrdn_stage_user_1(topology):
+    _header(topology, 'add an Stage user to a Active group. Then move Stage user to Stage')
+    old_stage_user_dn  = STAGE_USER_DN
+    old_stage_user_rdn = "cn=%s" % STAGE_USER_CN
+    new_stage_user_rdn = "cn=x%s" % STAGE_USER_CN
+    new_stage_user_dn = "%s,%s" % (new_stage_user_rdn, STAGE_DN)
+    # add Stage user to active group
+    _check_memberof(topology, action=ldap.MOD_ADD, user_dn=old_stage_user_dn, group_dn=ACTIVE_GROUP_DN, find_result=False)
+    _find_member  (topology, user_dn=old_stage_user_dn, group_dn=ACTIVE_GROUP_DN, find_result=True)
+    # move the Stage entry to Stage, expect  no 'member' and 'memberof'
+    _modrdn_entry (topology, entry_dn=old_stage_user_dn, new_rdn=new_stage_user_rdn, new_superior=STAGE_DN)
+    _find_memberof(topology, user_dn=new_stage_user_dn, group_dn=ACTIVE_GROUP_DN, find_result=False)
+    _find_member  (topology, user_dn=new_stage_user_dn, group_dn=ACTIVE_GROUP_DN, find_result=False)
+def test_ticket47833_final(topology):
+    topology.standalone.delete()
+    log.info('Testcase PASSED')
+def run_isolated():
+    global installation1_prefix
+    installation1_prefix = None
+    topo = topology(True)
+    test_ticket47829_init(topo)
+    test_ticket47829_mod_stage_user_modrdn_stage_user_1(topo)
+    test_ticket47833_final(topo)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    run_isolated()

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