[389-devel] Please review: Bug 543080 - Bitwise plugin fails to return the exact matched entries for Bitwise search filter

Rich Megginson rmeggins at redhat.com
Tue Jan 26 16:53:23 UTC 2010


    Fix Description: The Microsoft Windows AD bitwise filters do not 
work exactl
    like the usual bitwise AND (&) and OR (|) operators.
    For the AND case the matching rule is true only if all bits from the 
    given in the filter value match the value from the entry.
    For the OR case, the matching rule is true if any bits from the 
value given
    in the filter match the value from the entry.
    For the AND case, this means that even though (a & b) is True,
    if (a & b) != b, the matching rule will return False.
    For the OR case, this means that even though (a | b) is True,
    this may be because there are bits in a.  But we only care
    about bits in a that are also in b.  So we do (a & b) - this
    will return what we want, which is to return True if any of
    the bits in b are also in a.
    Platforms tested: RHEL5 x86_64
    Flag Day: no
    Doc impact: no



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