[389-devel] Please review (take #2) ticket 47575: add test case for ticket47560

thierry bordaz tbordaz at redhat.com
Tue Nov 5 17:53:22 UTC 2013

Hi All,

    This review is new proposal to implement CI test cases inside 389-DS.
    The layout of the tests will be:




    Each ticket_xyz_test.py will contain "framework" functions that will
    allocate a fresh installed instance then the test functions:
    "framework" functions are _ds_create_standalone, DSInstance class
    and ds_instance pytest fixture.
    tests functions are named 'test_ticket_xyz' with 'ds_instance'
    fixture as argument.

    py.test will call the test functions 'test_ticket_xyz'. Its argument
    is an instance (ds_instance) of DSInstance where
    ds_instance.instance is a connection to the instance.

    The first instance of DSInstance (first ticket being tested), get a
    newly created instance (e.g. slapd-standalone) and creates a backup
    of the instance (under /tmp/slapd-standalone.bck/backup_HHMMSS.tar.gz).
    Then when running others  ticket test cases, the instance is
    reinitialized from the backup.
    So each ticket test case will have an instance almost like it was
    just created.

    py.test will discover all the ticket_xxx_test.py files and run them.
    In order to remove the created instances, py.test is called a second
    time to run finalizer.py.
    So a jenkins job script, will do something like:

        cd <head>/dirsrvtests/tickets
        py.test -v   # that will run all the ticket_xxx_tests and create
        the instance
        py.test -v finalizer.py

    Note: in order to check/backup/restore instance, new functions are
    added in lib389 (
    checkInstanceBackupFS, instanceBackupFS, instanceRestoreFS), I will
    send an other review for them as it is not in 389-DS repos.


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