[389-devel] Please review lib389 ticket 47568: Rename DSAdmin class (2nd)

Roberto Polli rpolli at babel.it
Fri Oct 25 08:19:45 UTC 2013

My comments (a github like platform for comment could be really useful)
> https://fedorahosted.org/389/attachment/ticket/47568/0002-Ticket-47568-Renam
> e-DSAdmin-class.patch

line: comment
lib389/__init__.py:1: the module is lib389, not dirsrv

lib389/brooker.py:795: python variable naming convention: I would get stick 
with the "_" instead of camelCase  and change whenever possible.

tests/dsadmin_test.py: I renamed it lib389_test.py, you can merge my changes
tests/dsadmin_test.py:39: why remove the addbackend_harn? 

tests/replica_test.py:119: you're using Backend.delete in a class that should 
test just Replica. I would use harness and the standard python-ldap methods in 
setup/teardown, so that we can change the Backend and Replica class without at 
least breaking the tests. 

Let me know + Peace,

Roberto Polli
Community Manager
Babel S.r.l. - http://www.babel.it
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