[Fedora-directory-users] Active Directory Password Question

Ivan Ferreira iferreir at personal.com.py
Thu Sep 27 16:12:51 UTC 2007

Fedora DS password sync is bidirectional. You must create a "Windows Sync"
agreement and you have to specify one account with domain admin privileges
in that agreement.

You should configure SSL first before the Windows Sync agreement.

                                          fedora-directory-users at redhat.co 
       Dusty Herrman                                                    cc 
       <djh5983 at ksu.edu>                                                   
       Enviado por:                                                 Asunto 
       fedora-directory-users-b           [Fedora-directory-users] Active  
       ounces at redhat.com                  Directory Password Question      
       27/09/2007 12:08 p.m.             Uso Interno                       
        Por favor, responda a                                              
       "General discussion list                                            
       for the Fedora Directory                                            
           server project."                                                

I work for a University where Microsoft and Unix/Linux products are both
heavily present.  We currently have both MS Active Directory servers and
OpenLDAP servers.    We are currently looking at upgraded both of these

Currently we store all the user's passwords in LDAP (encrypted).  Using
the "Windows Sync" feature of Fedora DS, is there a way to push the
encrypted passwords into Active Directory?  Or is it only a AD -> LDAP
password push?

Thanks in advance,

Dusty Herrman
KEAS Authentication/Directory Engineer
Kansas State University
djh5983 at k-state.edu

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