[389-users] OpenLDAP as a slave of Fedora Directory Server?

Andrey Ivanov andrey.ivanov at polytechnique.fr
Tue Aug 4 19:43:27 UTC 2009


You can also use the LDAP persistent search control an then convert
the 389 attributes to openLDAP ones and send them immediately in real
time, and then, once a day, just  to be sure that everything is ok you
can push the whole LDIF dump. Here is an example of a simple
persistent search script in perl :

my $ldap = Net::LDAP -> new ("ldap-test.example.com", port => 389,
version => 3 ) or die $!;
my $result = $ldap -> bind( "cn=Directory Manager",  password => "mypassword");

my $persist = Net::LDAP::Control::PersistentSearch -> new       (
                                                        changeTypes => 15,
                                                        changesOnly => 1,
                                                        returnECs => 1

my $ldap_filter = "(objectClass=*)";
my $result_search = $ldap -> search (
                                base    => $COMPLETE_BASE,
                                scope   => "sub",
                                filter  => $ldap_filter,
                                control => [ $persist ],
                                callback=> \&process_entry

sub process_entry
        my $message = shift;
        my $entry = shift;
        print $entry -> dn()."\n";  #output entry DN
        my $ldif = Net::LDAP::LDIF -> new( "", "w", onerror => 'undef');
        $ldif -> write_entry ($entry); #output entry in LDIF
        $ldif -> done ( );

You may also be interested in digging a little bit the ldofsort.pl and
ldifdiff.pl utilities from perl-LDAP rpm package (they are in
/usr/share/doc/perl-LDAP-0.33/contrib/ in CentOS/RHEL 5.3). These are
an excellent solution if you need to generate the difference between
two ldifs and then push this delta to openldap, for example...

2009/7/31 Anne Cross <across at itasoftware.com>:
> Rats.  That's pretty much the conclusion I'd reached, but I'd hoped I was
> wrong, based on the wiki page.  Unfortunately, for account terminations, we
> need more than just the ldif export/import, and Security is kind of cranky
> about the lack.
> Thanks for the answer.  I guess I'll cross my fingers that somebody takes it
> off of the wishlist soon.
>   -- juniper
> George Holbert wrote:
>> Currently, OpenLDAP and 389 have totally different replication mechanisms,
>> so you can't really replicate between the two.
>> You can of course export / import filtered LDIF in either direction,
>> which, depending on the need, is occasionally good enough.
>> Anne Cross wrote:
>>> I've been through the FDS/389 website, and the best I've come up with is
>>> this: http://directory.fedoraproject.org/wiki/Howto:OpenldapIntegration
>>> Unfortunately, that gives me the sync in the wrong direction.  We have
>>> pre-existing OpenLDAP servers that belong to a different group.  We're
>>> supposed to be their ultimate source of data - once we get set up - but they
>>> won't change their servers from OpenLDAP because, as they say, they know how
>>> they work and why should they do more work.
>>> I don't need data synced back from OpenLDAP, but syncrepl doesn't appear
>>> to do the right thing when pointed at an FDS directory server, so what's the
>>> secret, undocumented method?  Even a hint would help.  Google just keeps
>>> turning up pages where people have named their box "Fedora" and it's all
>>> openldap to openldap.
>> --
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> --
> ,___,
> {o,o}  Anne "Juniper" Cross
> (___)  Senior Linux Systems Engineer and Extropic Crusader
> -"-"-- Information Technology, ITA Software
> /^^^
> --
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