[389-users] Command line to request certificate

Prashanth Sundaram psundaram at wgen.net
Fri Aug 7 18:45:19 UTC 2009


I know I am being a bummer here, but I am running into problems now and
then. The reason is I am trying to script out the FDS deployment.

Here are my questions:
1. What is the command line equivalent of requesting a server certificate
for Admin Server and Directory server? The console works fine.
          I am using openssl to generate certificates in x509 format.

     2.  In order to setup subsequent FDS servers, I should copy /etc/dirsrv
;  /usr/lib/dirsrv /  ;  /var/lib/dirsrv   to the other hosts.  Is this
correct? And Run register-ds-admin.pl

     3.If I do as in 2.  Not sure if the certificates will cause issue. Also
I am using ldap.domain.com as server identifier and mapping a virtual IP for
load balancing purpose. I read that server name should be same as hostname,
but I am using a DNS record if ldap.domain.com. Will it cause any issues?


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