[389-users] Command line to request certificate

Prashanth Sundaram psundaram at wgen.net
Wed Aug 12 21:10:59 UTC 2009


The script that you directed me to, it installs the CA cert in the server
cert tab when I check in console. I tried manually adding it but it would
still end up along with Directory server-cert. Also the admin server-cert
shows up here as well.

How do I troubleshoot that? The certs are fine in Admin server, but not in
Directory instance.


Another question: Since I am going to have two ldap servers and VIPs, can I
just specify the DNS host names with the certificate like add certutil
­S.... ­8 ldap.foo1.com.ldap.foo2.com within the script, saving extra work?

Thanks for your help!!
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