[389-users] Data corruption after upgrade.

Rich Megginson rmeggins at redhat.com
Wed Aug 19 20:50:46 UTC 2009

Theunis De Klerk wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am having an issue with 389DS after an upgrade and I was hoping 
> someone could help me out. According to people on the 389 IRC Channel, 
> someone has had this before.
> Firstly, please understand I am a little out of my league, so please 
> be patient.
> So this afternoon, our RHEL5 box did a yum update which included 389DS.
32-bit or 64-bit?
> But after the upgrade, user’s can’t login using profiles in ldap.
I'm not sure what you mean by "using profiles in ldap".

Does ldapsearch work? Can you try
/usr/bin/ldapsearch -x -D "uid=username,ou=people,dc=yoursuffix,dc=com" 
-w thepassword -s base -b ""
> All the data is there, but it seems that the password fields are messed.
> As an example, our apache websites use Directory Server for 
> Authentication. If I take any of the usernames and passwords that 
> exist and try login, I get a “password mismatch” in apache. I.e. wrong 
> password. This worked before the upgrade.
> But …. If I, using Apache Directory Studio, edit the password on one 
> of those profiles, and commit. That person can login.
> Its as if the password attributes data is corrupted, and has to be 
> manually reset to work again. Users can’t even reset their own 
> passwords, as the Perl module (Net::LDAP) can modify the password 
> value, but it still won’t let them login. I can even use Directory 
> studio to verify the password, and its correct. Seems the only way I 
> can use a password is if I use Directory Studio to change it.
> Has anyone has this? Or know where I can start looking, or how to fix it?
> Not sure what other information I need to give.
> Thanks,
> Theunis
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