[389-users] Re: can't modify userPassword with proxy user: after code debugging...

Roberto Polli rpolli at babel.it
Tue Aug 25 10:51:58 UTC 2009

On Monday 10 August 2009 19:55:39 Rich Megginson wrote:
> > in PasswordFlow, the function
> >  op_shared_allow_pw_change()
> > change the password ignoring controls and evaluating proxy user access
> > permissions as a local user
> Thanks for debugging this.  So the problem is that
> slapi_acl_check_mods() at line 945 is failing?
I got slapi_acl_check_mods()   on line 934
fds release is fedora-ds-base-1.1.2

the difference is that 
> > in StandardFlow, all the controls are evaluated and the proxy_dn is set
in PasswordFlow the controls are not evaluated


Roberto Polli
Babel S.r.l. - http://www.babel.it
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