[Fedora-directory-users] mail aliases in directory

Jan-Frode Myklebust janfrode at tanso.net
Wed Feb 4 11:00:35 UTC 2009

I'm in the process of migrating to keeping all users and
mail aliases in a directory server. For people-objects we use the
object classes 'top', 'person' and 'mailRecipient', but I'm a bit
confused as to how to store pure email aliases that are not
connected to specific accounts.

I think we'll want to store these in a separate ou (ou=aliases), 
but what's the correct set of object classes to use ? 'mailRecipient'
gives me all the attributes, but isn't structural. I found the
ldapSubEntry structural class that seems fitting (gives me structure, 
and nothing else), but from reading the deployment guide that seems
to not be what we want.. (doesn't show up in normal searches).

# dn: mail=test at example.com,ou=aliases,o=example.com,o=ISP,o=mydomain,c=NO
# changetype: add
# objectClass: ldapSubEntry
# objectClass: top
# objectClass: mailRecipient
# mail: test at example.com
# mailForwardingAddress: test at sometherdomain.net

Any hints to what class should be used here instead of ldapSubEntry?


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