[389-users] Doubt regarding 389 Client Home Directory?

Premod Dev premodd at decho.com
Tue Jan 12 16:19:17 UTC 2010

You can tweak the pam configuration for login to use the pam_mkhomedir.so module, which will create home directory automatically when the users login to client machines. 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ajeet S Raina" <ajeetraina at gmail.com> 
To: 389-users at lists.fedoraproject.org 
Sent: Tuesday, January 12, 2010 9:46:08 PM GMT +05:30 Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi 
Subject: Re: [389-users] Doubt regarding 389 Client Home Directory? 

I am sorry as I have changed few names due to security purpose. 
I appreciate your help on this regard. 

On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 9:43 PM, Ajeet S Raina < ajeetraina at gmail.com > wrote: 

Hello Guys, 

All I have configured 389 Server and its working fine. 
I can also run this command on client Machine as follows successfully: 

ldapsearch -h 389-ds.sap.com -b "dc=im,dc=sap,dc=com" -L "objectclass=*" 

And it does show me all the user statistics like this: 

# extended LDIF 
# LDAPv3 
# base <dc=isst,dc=sapient,dc=com> with scope subtree 
# filter: (objectclass=*) 
# requesting: ALL 
# isst.sapient.com 
dn: dc=im,dc=sap,dc=com 
objectClass: top 
objectClass: domain 
dc: isst 
# Directory Administrators, isst.sapient.com 
dn: cn=Directory Administrators, dc=isst,dc=sapient,dc=com 
objectClass: top 
objectClass: groupofuniquenames 
cn: Directory Administrators 
uniqueMember: cn=Directory Manager 
# Groups, im.sap.com 
dn: ou=Groups, dc=im,dc=sap,dc=com 

It means 389 Client is configured. 
Now I added a User called meet on 389 DS Server. 
I have provided: 

Default Shell: /bin/bash 
User ID: 610 
User name: snal 

Now When I try logging into the server through : 

username: meet 

It says: 

login as: snalamwar 
snal at's password: 
Last login: Wed Jan 13 03:00:09 2010 from 
Could not chdir to home directory /home/snal: No such file or directory 

Then I manually created a directory under /home as snal: 

mkdir /home/snal 

And Tried logging and this time it does login. 

Is this process correct? 
Do we need to create home directory manually. 
Pls Suggest. 


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