[389-users] Getting started with 389 DS

harry.devine at faa.gov harry.devine at faa.gov
Mon Oct 25 12:34:15 UTC 2010

Just a follow up:  I was able to log in.  I turned off the software 
firewall and used "cn=Directory Manager" as the User ID and was able to 
log in.  This machine is isolated so there's low risk in having the 
firewall off.  When I get further along, I can turn it back on with 9830 
added as a acceptable port I suppose.

Thanks for the help, and sorry about the noise.

Harry Devine
Common ARTS Software Development
Harry.Devine at faa.gov

Rich Megginson <rmeggins at redhat.com>

"General discussion list for the 389 Directory server project." 
<389-users at lists.fedoraproject.org>
10/22/2010 04:29 PM
Re: [389-users] Getting started with 389 DS
Sent by:
389-users-bounces at lists.fedoraproject.org

harry.devine at faa.gov wrote:
> I just installed 389 DS on a laptop running CentOS 5.4 to start 
> getting familiar with it.  I got it installed correctly (answered all 
> of the questions in the setup-ds-admin.pl script, verified that the 
> dirsrv and dirsrv-admin services are running), but when I run the 
> 389-console, I can't log in.  I'm entering the username and password 
> that I used in the setup script, but I keep getting "Cannot login 
> because of an incorrect User ID, incorrect password, or Directory 
> problem.  java.io.InterruptedIOException: HTTP response timeout".
Check the logs - what is in /var/log/dirsrv/admin-serv/error? 

You can also run the console with -D 9 -f console.log to get more 
verbose output
> What am I doing wrong?  I'm trying to follow the docs at 
> http://directory.fedoraproject.org/wiki/Documentation but they seem to 
> jump all over the place.  I did find a tutorial at 
> http://www.linuxmail.info/389-directory-server-setup-howto-centos-5/, 
> but I'm stuck at the first step under "Administering 389 Directory 
> Server".  Do I have to reinstall the 389 DS?  Is there a place that I 
> can clear out/reset the admin password to get in?
> Thanks,
> Harry
> Harry Devine
> Common ARTS Software Development
> AJT-144
> (609)485-4218
> Harry.Devine at faa.gov
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