[389-users] superior attributes (not object classes)

Brian LaMere brian at cukerinteractive.com
Thu Sep 2 19:25:26 UTC 2010

> You can't have an attribute use an objectclass as it's superior.  An
> attribute can only use another attribute as it's superior.  The same
> restriction goes for an objectclass.  An objectclass can only use another
> objectclass as it's superior.
 I wrote up an email about how that was just a mistake in the example, but
that the original entries themselves didn't have that problem.  But no, no -
in my original, the attributes I was wanting to be inherited I did in fact
put "SUP top" in them.  I have no idea why I did that...I know that an
attribute can't inherit from an objectclass.

So apologies - for this particular issue, it was just a PEBKAC.  The other
issues remain and are more legit, however ;)

That said, they all may boil down to the fact that the currently active
389-ds in the official Fedora repos is an alpha that snuck in.  Those are
the attributes from 00core.ldif that jumped in to my 99user.ldif for some
reason (which I'm unsure still if I should do a bugreport for, since it only
happened once) and then the 3 bug reports I put in bugzilla (625327, 625335,
and 629149).

I am willing to do a "disaster recovery" test to facilitate doing a fresh
reload of everything once that alpha 389-ds package is replaced in the
repos; then I can just see if those problems (two of which I can reproduce
easily, the third is a problem I can't get to go away) still exist.

Thanks, and sorry!

Brian LaMere
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