[389-users] Restoring a completely broken machine that is using a shared netscapedb

Gerrard Geldenhuis Gerrard.Geldenhuis at betfair.com
Wed Sep 15 09:53:29 UTC 2010

I was wandering if anyone can share some tips on how to restore a machine that is using a shared/replicated netscapedb.

If I loose the server and need to rebuild the hardware how would I "plug" the server back in?

The steps as I think they should be done without having tested it yet is:
Install 389 dir server rpms ( same version as other servers )
Make backup of netscapedb on any other server.
Restore it on the server
Copy backed-up dse.ldif
Re-initialize userdb

I am still reading about all the backup commands so the above is conceptually what I believe needs doing.

Any comments would be appreciated.

Best Regards

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