[389-users] Connections not closing

Gerrard Geldenhuis Gerrard.Geldenhuis at betfair.com
Wed Sep 22 09:00:41 UTC 2010

> I have an issue with our Fedora Consumers running 1.2.0 on Fedora 10 in
> that they don't seem to be closing old connections and so the open
> connections are building up until performance is impacted and
> eventually
> we run out of file handles.
... cut
> tcp_keepalive_time = 600
> tcp_keepalive_intvl = 75
> tcp_keepalive_probes = 9
> Why are these connections not timing out after the Idle time?   At the
> moment I am having to regularly restart the directory service in order
> to clear the connections down.

Hi Jim, 
I have not yet run into such issues ... which is not to say I won't. Our tcp_keepalive_time is set to 300, whether that will make a difference is difficult to say but worth a try I would say.

Best Regards

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