[389-users] 389 DS 1.2.6. and certificates

Reinhard Nappert rnappert at juniper.net
Tue Sep 28 14:56:39 UTC 2010

I built and installed the 389 Directory Server 1.2.6 on CentOS 4.4. The server works fine.
Then, I generated the certs (using certutil) and imported them in the cert-store. The certs are generated basically generated by the setupssl2.sh script. When I list the certs afterwards, everything looks fine:

certutil -L -d /etc/dirsrv/<dir-instance>
CA certificate                                           CTu,u,u
<hostname>                                             u,u,u
However, when I restart the server, I get the following error and the server does not come up anymore:
[28/Sep/2010:10:45:40 -0400] - SSL alert: Security Initialization: NSS initialization failed (Netscape Portable Runtime error -8174 - security library: bad database.): certdir: /etc/dirsrv/<dir-instance>

Not surprisingly, the certutil -L -d .... comes up with the same error:
certutil: function failed: security library: bad database.

Any idea, what goes wrong there?


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