[389-users] ldap proxy and entry-based chaining: writing a plugin?

Roberto Polli rpolli at babel.it
Wed Jun 15 15:27:39 UTC 2011

Hi all, just a question.

Does 389 provide a proxy functionality that can be used to identify 
immediately the right server to match?

In case it's not supported, is it possible to develop a 389 plugin to manage 
it? Once developed, are you interested in merge that feature in the 389 

Imagine the following configuration:
U - user
P - ldap proxy with two chained server:
* R1- real server 1
* R2 - real server 2

Actually when U issue a search,  on P forwards it on both the chained server.

I'd like to know if there's a plugin or some sort of dynamic  configuration 
that can be used to redirect the search directly on the right server using 
some further information provided (eg. regex & co).

Here's a standard use case.
1- DIT:
 o=company, ou=italy, { dc=domain1.it, dc=domain2.it, dc=domain3.it}
 o=company, ou=france, { dc=domain1.fr, dc=domain2.fr, dc=domain3.fr}

2- Each county is managed by one cluster. The proxy is configured with two 
ou=italy ->cluster1

3- the search is done on the proxy using one attribute "mail=user at domain1.it"

4- I'd like that all domain matching .it$ are searched first on cluster1, and 
conversely if matching .fr$ on cluster2

Obviously if you're interested I'll clarify.

Roberto Polli
Project Manager
Babel S.r.l. - http://www.babel.it
T: +39.06.9826.9651 M: +39.340.6522736 F: +39.06.9826.9680
P.zza S.Benedetto da Norcia, 33 - 00040 Pomezia (Roma)

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