[389-users] Users unable to change their passwords

G gwittich at redwood.aur.us.ray.com
Wed Jun 29 21:53:52 UTC 2011


My RHDS 8.1 instance recently starting denying users the ability to 
change their own passwords.  Users are unable to change their own 
passwords on any clients or the master itself.  Root is also unable to 
change users passwords via passwd on any machine.  The Directory Manager 
is unable to change passwords via command line ldapmodify.  However, the 
Directory Manager is able to change passwords via the redhat-idm-console.

The error looks like this:
LDAP password information update failed: insufficient access.
Insufficient write privileges to the 'UserPassword' attribute of entry 
'uid=<uid>, ou=people,dc=<domain>'

There are no errors in the dirsrv log directory.  Any help will be 
gratefully appreciated.

Thank you,

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