[389-users] Issue with 389

Andrea Modesto Rossi amrossi at linux.it
Mon Mar 7 22:24:32 UTC 2011

On Lun, 7 Marzo 2011 10:57 am, Carsten Grzemba wrote:
> If not already, there will be a new version which has a tab for editing
> posix group attributes.


> You can add easy a ACI on that OU Node with the console:
> Set access permissions
> First you add a user who should get the permissions for manage the users,
> for example: uid=uhd,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
> Choose the container witch contains the users to manage and add there the
> ACI, for example:
> (targetattr = "userPassword")
> (version 3.0;
> acl "Permissions to manage user passwords";
> allow (all)
> (userdn = "ldap:///uid=uhd,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com")


> There is also a Fedora CA project.

do you mean PKI dogtag?

Andrea Modesto Rossi
Fedora Ambassador

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