[389-users] LDAP aliases with Postfix mail server

jean-Noël Chardron Jean-Noel.Chardron at dr15.cnrs.fr
Fri Mar 18 11:24:50 UTC 2011

Le 18/03/2011 12:11, jean-Noël Chardron a écrit :
> Le 16/03/2011 17:10, laxman singh Mandloi a écrit :
>> Hello,
>> I have Postfix mail server with out aliases, now need to setup 
>> aliases for mail account reside both mail server and fedora-ds on 
>> same server. can anybody tell me how  to perform this task.
>> I need to perform this on my server.
> To start you need to configure some file or/and the 389DS depending on 
> how you store your aliases.
> The easiest way is the flat file /etc/postfix/aliases
> and you can configure le directive alias_maps = 
> hash:$config_directory/aliases
> A more sophisticated solution is to store aliases in 389DS, in this 
> case you need to extend the scheme 389DS. You can find on the internet 
> for postfix and ldap schemas like below works perfectly :
> http://hannibal.solstice.nl/hannibalwiki/doku.php?id=hannibal:62postfix.ldif
> Once 389DS configured with this scheme, you can set up aliases for 
> postfix to use 389DS:
> alias_maps = hash:$config_directory/aliases, 
> ldap:$config_directory/ldap-aliases.cf
> Where ldap-aliases.cf is a configuration file to find the alias in the 
> LDAP server wich may contain the directive below :
> server_host = ldap://localhost/  ## ldap server on the same host
> bind =          no
> version =       3
> timeout =       20
> scope =         sub
> search_base =   ou=Aliases,dc=example,dc=com
> query_filter =  (mailacceptinggeneralid=%u)
> result_attribute = maildrop
> result_format = %u
> entry "ou = Aliases, dc = example, dc = com" needs to be created on 
> the server and the ldap entries with aliases.
to help a little here an example of entry Aliases :

$ ldapsearch -h aragon -x -b ou=Aliases,dc=ad,dc=dr15,dc=cnrs,dc=fr > 

$ cat /tmp/aliases.txt
# extended LDIF
# LDAPv3
# base <ou=Aliases,dc=ad,dc=dr15,dc=cnrs,dc=fr> with scope subtree
# filter: (objectclass=*)
# requesting: ALL

# Aliases, ad.dr15.cnrs.fr
dn: ou=Aliases,dc=ad,dc=dr15,dc=cnrs,dc=fr
objectClass: top
objectClass: organizationalunit
ou: Aliases

# Test1, Aliases, ad.dr15.cnrs.fr
dn: cn=Test1,ou=Aliases,dc=ad,dc=dr15,dc=cnrs,dc=fr
objectClass: postfixAlias
objectClass: top
cn: Test1
mailacceptinggeneralid: test-ldap-1
maildrop: joe
maildrop: jack

# Test2, Aliases, ad.dr15.cnrs.fr
dn: cn=Test2,ou=Aliases,dc=ad,dc=dr15,dc=cnrs,dc=fr
objectClass: postfixAlias
objectClass: top
cn: Test2
mailacceptinggeneralid: test-ldap-2
maildrop: william
maildrop: averell
maildrop: test-ldap-1

Jean-Noel Chardron

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