[389-users] Problems to access Directory Server from remote console with 389-console

Gerrard Geldenhuis Gerrard.Geldenhuis at betfair.com
Mon Mar 21 07:50:26 UTC 2011

Hi Daniel,
I would suggest looking at your logs as a start and telling us if you see any error messages. But even before that the console can be started in debug mode, the specific flag escapes me now but if you start the console in debug mode it will most likely tell you what the problem is and if you can't see anything wrong then post the output here or somewhere on a webpage and send a link.


From: 389-users-bounces at lists.fedoraproject.org [389-users-bounces at lists.fedoraproject.org] on behalf of Daniel Gonzalez [gonzalezdr at gmail.com]
Sent: 20 March 2011 22:11
To: 389-users at lists.fedoraproject.org
Subject: [389-users] Problems to access Directory Server from remote console    with 389-console

Hi Guys,

My name is Daniel Gonzalez and I am new to this mailing list, I hope to
ayduar as I can while I'm learning a bit more about Directory Server 389.

I would also start with my first question.

I tested 389 on a Virtualbox virtual machine, I installed it

Fedora 14 (Minimal instalation)

I followed the wizard to set 389-run setup-ds ds-admin.pl and all goes
well there

But when I try to connect from a console 389 on another machine I fail to

Am I doing something wrong? I need some configuration.

I turned off the iptables for this I'm not blocking ports or something
but still not working.

The good news is that if I worked in there too I have my machine I
installed fedora 14 389-ds and successfully run setup-ds-admin.pl to run
389-console and console to open it immediately login

I hope you can make me some suggestion.

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