[389-users] ldap browser hangs entire server

Quint Van Deman qvandeman at emergent360.com
Mon Mar 28 18:51:09 UTC 2011


I'm seeing some odd behaviour in a 389ds installation, and I'd like to
know if others have as well.
Here's what I know:
1. The server is configured never to drop connections due to idle
timeout (set to 0 in console)
2. The server is under very light load (development)
3. Once in a while, one of the connections will close with an error
code of T2 (e.g. [25/Mar/2011:11:07:32 -0400] conn=19 op=-1 fd=67
closed - T2)
4. After a single T2 occurs, all future attempts to the directory are
unsuccessful.  The process is still running, but completely
5. If I dig into the logs a bit further I discover that connection 19
was a software developer using a windows based ldap browser.
6. I also notice that while most other connections follow a logical
order of BIND, SRCH, RESULT, UNBIND, this particular connection does a
BIND & leaves it open.
7. I also notice that the despite the idle timeout setting above, the
last RESULT from this connection comes exactly an hour before the T2.
[25/Mar/2011:10:07:26 -0400] conn=19 op=48 SRCH
base="cn=XXXX,ou=PeopleTest,dc=dev,dc=XXX,dc=edu" scope=0
filter="(objectClass=*)" attrs="* createTimestamp creatorsName
entryflags federationboundary localentryid modifiersName
modifyTimestamp structuralObjectClass subordinatecount
subschemaSubentry aci"
[25/Mar/2011:10:07:26 -0400] conn=19 op=48 RESULT err=0 tag=101
nentries=1 etime=0 notes=U,P
[25/Mar/2011:10:07:31 -0400] conn=19 op=50 SRCH
base="cn=XXXX,ou=PeopleTest,dc=dev,dc=XXX,dc=edu" scope=0
filter="(objectClass=*)" attrs="* createTimestamp creatorsName
entryflags federationboundary localentryid modifiersName
modifyTimestamp structuralObjectClass subordinatecount
subschemaSubentry aci"
[25/Mar/2011:10:07:31 -0400] conn=19 op=50 RESULT err=0 tag=101
nentries=1 etime=0 notes=U,P
[25/Mar/2011:11:07:32 -0400] conn=19 op=-1 fd=67 closed - T2

I found this bug that seems similar, but I don't see any mention of
some of the specific criteria that leads my instance to hang:

If anyone has any advice I'd be interested.  In the meantime it looks
like I'm due to sign up for a bugzilla account.



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