[389-users] what is the best way to a new user and put him in to few groups?

Fosiul Alam fosiul at gmail.com
Fri Aug 3 19:23:33 UTC 2012

I am very new in ldap(Fedora Directory Server)

I need to develop a script to add a new user and put it into few
groups automatically.

So wondering what would be best way .
Putting the command in to a script should not be a issue.
problem is what would be the best way

shall i create ldiif first then insert that ldif into ldap ??

my structure is like this :
cn=Directory Manager" -w 'testtest' -b "ou=users,l=uk,dc=fosiul,dc=lan"

suppose if i want to create a lidif.. for user John Smith

how the ldif would be ?
Thanks for your help

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