fedora board meeting jan 2

Max Spevack max at spevack.org
Mon Jan 1 21:20:21 UTC 2007

Late notice with the end of the holiday, but we're scheduled for a Board 
meeting on January 2nd, at 10:00 AM Eastern time, 3:00 PM GMT.  Assuming 
that we have a quorum of people back from vacation, we'll go ahead with 
the meeting.

- get some update from Seth/Jeremy about how RPM is moving along after a 
few weeks since our announcement and creation of new repo/lists/etc

- Max will talk about some of his priorities for Fedora in the first part 
of the year

- Rex or others, get an update on how FESCO is right now, what the top 
concerns are regarding Fedora 7 and our progress on that.

- whatever else comes up, or whatever folks think of between now and then.

#fedora-board for the logs.

Happy New Year,

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