permission to use spec files in other projects (Was Re: clamav)

Mike McGrath mmcgrath at
Thu Sep 27 13:36:39 UTC 2007

Greg DeKoenigsberg wrote:
> Seems like most people agree with this.
> Simple policy decision, then, designed to deal with unlicensed, and 
> therefore presumably public domain, spec files:  "If you take a spec 
> file from someone else, be sure that attribution is included.  If it 
> is *not* included, include the following text: 'based on a specfile by 
> <foo> at the <bar> project.' If you don't do this, you're a schmuck, 
> and the punishment is to (a) fix it immediately, and (b) wear the Hat 
> of Schmuck."  And yes, put it in the review process.
> As far as actual licensing goes, I still think it's a matter for Spot. 
> Attribution is pretty much implicit in every licensing scheme anywhere 
> anyway.

Have we had or do we know of any actual complaints about this or are we 
oiling a wheel that doesn't actually squeak?  I can appreciate the 
perception of the problem but I haven't seen anyone actually complain.


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