Proposal: Fedora at Home Project

Bryan Che bche at
Mon Mar 10 21:16:21 UTC 2008

> But I keep coming back to the same question.  If the goal of this
> project is putting together  grid of clients using open technology,
> will this grid be explicitly made up solely of Fedora clients?  Will
> the cpu cycles be directed for Fedora internal needs or for generally
> interesting computational problems?  Once the technology is built and
> accessible  your SIG will end up having to craft some policy
> concerning how grid tasking will be handled.

I don't think we need to limit this to Fedora clients as Condor supports 
clients across a variety of platforms.  But, I would expect that if we 
can make the clients a part of a standard Fedora distribution, we would 
have substantially more Fedora clients than other platforms.  Also, it 
may be useful to start with Fedora in the beginning to keep the scope of 
the work smaller and manageable.

I think we should start with Fedora infrastructure needs and then expand 
to other computational problems.  Getting it right first for Fedora will 
give us a good foundation for adding other projects.


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