Codeina and how to proceed

Rahul Sundaram sundaram at
Wed Mar 19 13:41:01 UTC 2008

Bill Nottingham wrote:
> Matt Domsch (matt at said: 
>>> In my opinion, if you're going down the road of not shipping *any* links
>>> in codeina, then patching of codeina to just show a dialog is pointless - 
>>> just nuke the package and implement the dialog elsewhere.
>> +1.
>> I'd really like to see our "education" [1] be able to describe the
>> pitfalls of software patents, as the relate to open source / free
>> software.  It does this today.
> So, some stats:
> # of unique IPs requesting the F8 mirrorlist: 1.5 million
> # of bittorrent downloads of F8: 293233
> # of smolted F8 systems: 158407
> # of unique IPs retrieving the codecbuddy page via codeina: 7433
> That's somewhere between 0.5% and 4.6% of installs. Probably a lot closer
> to the former, especially since this counts rawhide and beta users hitting
> codeina, but not those users in the install base.  In other words, it gets
> about the same rate as a random click-through internet ad.
> For comparison, Max's statistics page (,
> chosen as a random page not oriented to end users) recieved 8808 unique
> visitors over the same time period.
> Is it worth this much effort for (apparently) little result?

Note that Codeina as available in Fedora 8 GA does not even display the 
initial dialog due to a bug and Rhythmbox was setup as default for music 
so the numbers here can be quite skewed.


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