Increasing user testing and feedback (was Re: Bad-mouthing and hostility)

Colin Walters walters at
Thu Mar 11 15:48:43 UTC 2010

On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 10:31 AM, Bill Nottingham <notting at> wrote:
> I'd genericize this. On firstboot, *EVERY* user should be asked if
> they want to create a fedora account.

This needs to go through the Fedora Design group.

I'd beg to please, pretty please, don't add stuff to firstboot; we
need to get people to a functioning desktop as the primary goal.  If
they later encounter something where we suggest they interact with
Fedora (via ABRT, or a PackageKit update), at that point we can lead
them through any steps needed to participate, of which getting a
Fedora account might be one.

Design strawman: PackageKit updates have a little "advertisement"
section at the bottom "Participate in testing updates [ Create Fedora
Account ]".

While the target audience says that we're targeting people willing to
participate, that's a far cry from forcing them to before they can
even boot fully into the OS and say set up Ruby On Rails or browse
Facebook or whatever they want to do that matters to them in their

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