The Future of release names

Christoph Wickert christoph.wickert at
Wed May 9 17:05:08 UTC 2012

Am Mittwoch, den 09.05.2012, 01:39 -0700 schrieb Toshio Kuratomi:

> The Board decided that it would be worthwhile to come up with a new
> procedure for selecting the name for the Fedora 19 release and beyond to
> attempt to solve some of the issues that have been brought up.  The Board
> is looking for volunteers who would like to do two things:
> (1) Answer the following questions:
> * What benefits does the Project get from the current release naming
>   process?

      * A starting point for the artwork.
      * An opportunity for marketing. At Berlin we'll be giving away
        free hotdogs.
      * Controversial discussions and flamewars
      * Fun, fun, fun!

> * What changes do people want to see in a revised process?

Dunno, I don't want to change the rules.

Kind regards,

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