[Ambassadors] Fedora Ambassadors Meeting Minutes 2006-08-10

David Barzilay david at projetofedora.org
Mon Aug 14 20:01:23 UTC 2006

Hi All,

I just read the minutes and thought it was wise and timely to provide
you with a status update on "III Festival Software Livre da Bahia" in
Brazil (August, 24 - 26):

. booth confirmed
. speakers confirmed: Hugo Cisneiros and Cristiano Furtado
. banner: in production (Rodrigo Padula)
. medias: in production (Rodrigo Padula)
. schwag: 200 Red Hat pens sent (will probably be used for a draw),
shirts in production (to be sold)
. transport + accommodation: at the speakers expense (each Ambassador
will find its own way)

Hugo and Cristiano, please let us know if I missed anything.

David Barzilay
Fedora Brazilian Ambassador

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