[Ambassadors] Name for future Fedora distribition?

Alex Maier lxmaier at gmail.com
Fri Dec 1 15:22:42 UTC 2006


But if there is any need to introduce an extra descriptor, why not
make it descriptive -- pardon the wild idea -- and call it something

Fedora Packages
Fedora Compendium
Fedora Everything

However, the simpler the naming is, the less prone will the people out
there be to misuse the individual sub-names.

So far, the simple "Fedora Linux" makes most sense to me, since it can
be extended by inserting the subset descriptor between the two names,
like "Fedora Server Linux" etc.

The fact that this set would contain everything and would not
technically be an OS, doesn't conflict with the name "Linux" in my
world, but it may be just me.

On 12/1/06, Robert Whetsel <rwhetsel at ravensong.com> wrote:
> +1!
> Why confuse the issue? The name of the object{fedora} it's self is a
> representation of the project. And giving it cool code names does not
> make it more than what it is. It confuses the newbies and does not lead
> to more adoption in a business environment.

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