[Ambassadors] Name for future Fedora distribition?

Jeff Spaleta jspaleta at gmail.com
Sun Dec 3 21:11:29 UTC 2006

On 12/3/06, Jesse Keating <jkeating at redhat.com> wrote:
> and I think we'd rather not steal a Ubuntu name.

Theft of the name would be fine, IF we were using it to describe a
nearly identical package/policy space. But clearly, whatever our pile
of packages is, it will have a distinctly different policy and
therefore should not re-use the name Ubuntu has already built a
working understanding around.  If we try to re-define the name to mean
what we want it to mean, then we'll be setting up exactly the wrong
initial condition and creating unnecessary confusion for everyone.

-jef"There is absolutely nothing worse than eating something an
expecting it to taste one way when in fact it tastes completely
different.  I like limes and like pistachios, but if I eat something
green expecting it to be lime, but its actually pistachio...

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