[Ambassadors] FreeMedia India Distribution Backlash

Thomas Chung tchung at fedoraproject.org
Mon Dec 4 18:48:00 UTC 2006

On 12/4/06, Santosh Kumar <santosh at fedoraproject.org> wrote:
> I have previously done this... (August and September...) .. Now i have to
> replace my DVD writer and then i would be surely doing it!!  btw, i took up
> this issue now just because i received more than 4 mails requesting me to
> clarify why they havent yet received their requests and with no other
> intention...  and i had recently mailed the group that i wouldnt be able to
> participate in Shipping the Free Media until i graduate and thats the reason
> i even stepped down from being a co-ordinator of the Team India. I tried to
> convince that a better & efficient tracker was necessary and not to get
> pointed out.... Am sorry if i have done something wrong!!
> --
> Santosh Kumar

You have not done anything wrong.  In the future, if anyone asking for
status for their free media, please refer to our new coordinator in
India or me to resolve the issue.
Thomas Chung

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