[Ambassadors] Meeting minutes of the FAD

Gerold Kassube gerold at lugd.org
Wed Dec 6 20:54:31 UTC 2006

Hello Ambassadors, ML's and friends!

the last weekend, we had our first FAD (== Fedora Ambassador Meeting) in
We had nice and productive days for the Fedora Ambassador Project and we
proudly present to you what we have done and dicussed.

All information which we like to announce can be found at


Hope everybody will agree with our work, we've done and maybe the next
FAD will be hold in another region.

The decisions taken, are decisions which every attendee agrees to 100%
and we'll do our best to make these decissions happen.

Any comments? 

Photos: http://www.simline.de/simon/ or (slower connection)


Gerold Kassube
Fedora Ambassador

Deutschland / Germany
Schweiz / Switzerland
Email: GeroldKa at fedoraproject.org

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