[Ambassadors] FOSDEM - February 2007 -

Gerold Kassube gerold at lugd.org
Wed Dec 6 21:17:46 UTC 2006

Am Mittwoch, den 06.12.2006, 21:09 +0100 schrieb Thomas Canniot:
> Of course I will :)


please all have a look at the meeting minutes of the FAD at

there you can find:
- Fosdem will be if we can arrange it with the help of Frederic the
biggest FEDORA Event in EMEA (with participation of the Fedora Board and
also Max Spevack)
- The participant of the FAD will all attend the FOSDEM
- We like to place a FUDCon there ...

Lot of things must be done within the next days and weeks. Frederic, you
as the local Ambassador will get the lead to bring all to the
Fosdem-organisation. We also figured out, that Chitlesh should be the
"liasion officer" within these big european Fedora event in 2007 ...

Everybody should help to have the FOSDEM as the success it has to be!

Just my five cents :-)


Gerold Kassube
Fedora Ambassador

Deutschland / Germany
Schweiz / Switzerland
Email: GeroldKa at fedoraproject.org

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