on/off ambassador status (was Re: [Ambassadors] Meeting minutes of the FAD)

Florian Brand fbrand at redhat.com
Sat Dec 9 00:00:04 UTC 2006

Hash: SHA1

> "As an ambassador, you don't just represent yourself, you represent the
> Fedora Project. When people think of you, they will think of the Fedora
> Project. This means that there are some important rules to follow, and
> giving the right impression is important."
> is from the Fedora Ambassador Conduct page in the Wiki.  That statement
> means to remember when you are in public, representing the Fedora
> Project to act appropriately.  It then goes on to list specific things
> to aware of - none of which would rule out someone working as a
> novell/microsoft trainer from being an Ambassador in their spare time.

That's why we want a /slight/ rewording.
"When people think of __you__, they will think of the Fedora Project."
is not appropriate. Of course we know what it means. But for many people
 the actual text does also matter.

How about:

"When acting as ambassador, you don't just represent yourself, you
represent the Fedora Project. When people think of you, they will think
of the Fedora Project. This means that there are some important rules to
follow, and  giving the right impression is important."

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