[Ambassadors] FOSDEM - February 2007 -

Chitlesh GOORAH chitlesh at fedoraproject.org
Tue Dec 12 19:31:53 UTC 2006

> So here is where we are, we will be sharing
> - a devroom with Centos guys ( a request for another room hasn't been
> replied yet )
> - own stand (1x 2m width table in the hall) with Red Hat/JBoss
> Next step, we should know the man/woman of contact:
> - from Centos : (for the devroom sharing)
>     Then we can schedule our FUDCon timetable accordingly.
> - from RedHat/JBoss : (booth sharing)
>     We should know whether Fedora and RedHat will have both enough
> (equal) space and whether Fedora can have other resources from them.
> Frederic or anyone, do you have a name for those persons ?

+  * Is there any sort of schedule in which we will have a room to
give some talks about Fedora?  Past conferences that I have been to
have had the show floor, and then also the separate room for sessions.
 I see that we have a devroom that we share with CentOS -- will we
able to advertise and give some some talks about Fedora in that room?

This is what we are looking forward.
Once we got the names of contact, I'll contact those centos guys and
schedule a timetable for Fedora talks.

By the way, who is willing to talk and about what ?
- MaxSpevack
- and ??


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